// source --> https://www.envisagedesignprojects.com/wp-content/plugins/wd-facebook-feed/js/ffwd_frontend.js?ver=1.0.25 function ffwd_frontend_ajax(form_id, current_view, id, album_id, enter_or_back, type, srch_btn, title, sortByParam, load_more, image_onclick_action) { var page_number = jQuery("#page_number_" + current_view).val(); var ffwd_load_more = jQuery("#ffwd_load_more_" + current_view).val(); var ffwd_previous_album_ids = jQuery('#ffwd_previous_album_id_' + current_view).val(); var ffwd_previous_album_page_numbers = jQuery('#album_page_number_' + current_view).val(); var masonry_already_loaded = jQuery(".ffwd_masonry_thumb_cont_" + current_view + " img").length; if (typeof load_more == "undefined") { var load_more = false; } var post_data = {}; if (album_id == 'back') { // Back from album. var album_page_number = ffwd_previous_album_page_numbers.split(","); page_number = album_page_number[0]; jQuery('#album_page_number_' + current_view).val(ffwd_previous_album_page_numbers.replace(album_page_number[0] + ',', '')); } else if (enter_or_back != '') { // Enter album (not change the page). jQuery('#ffwd_previous_album_id_' + current_view).val(enter_or_back + ',' + ffwd_previous_album_ids); if (page_number) { jQuery('#album_page_number_' + current_view).val(page_number + ',' + ffwd_previous_album_page_numbers); } page_number = 1; } if (typeof title == "undefined") { var title = ""; } if (typeof sortByParam == "undefined") { var sortByParam = jQuery(".bwg_order_" + current_view).val(); } post_data["page_number_" + current_view] = page_number; post_data["ffwd_load_more_" + current_view] = ffwd_load_more; post_data["album_id_" + current_view] = album_id; post_data["ffwd_previous_album_id_" + current_view] = jQuery('#ffwd_previous_album_id_' + current_view).val(); post_data["album_page_number_" + current_view] = jQuery('#album_page_number_' + current_view).val(); post_data["type_" + current_view] = type; post_data["title_" + current_view] = title; post_data["sortImagesByValue_" + current_view] = sortByParam; // Loading. jQuery("#ffwd_ajax_loading_" + current_view).css('display', ''); jQuery.post( window.location, post_data, function (data) { if (load_more) { var strr = jQuery(data).find('#' + id).html(); jQuery('#' + id).append(strr); var str = jQuery(data).find('.ffwd_nav_cont_' + current_view).html(); jQuery('.ffwd_nav_cont_' + current_view).html(str); } else { var str = jQuery(data).find('#' + form_id).html(); jQuery('#' + form_id).html(str); } } ).success(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { jQuery("#ffwd_ajax_loading_" + current_view).css('display', 'none'); if (jQuery(".pagination-links_" + current_view).length) { jQuery("html, body").animate({scrollTop: jQuery('#' + form_id).offset().top - 150}, 500); } /* For all*/ window["ffwd_document_ready_" + current_view](); /* For masonry view.*/ if (id == "ffwd_masonry_thumbnails_" + current_view || id == "ffwd_album_masonry_" + current_view) { window["ffwd_masonry_ajax_" + current_view](masonry_already_loaded); } }); return false; } /* For thumnail amd masonry view */ function ffwd_fill_likes_thumnail(id_object_id, ffwd, graph_url) { var ids_array_count=Math.ceil(id_object_id.length/50); var ids_array=[]; var img_ids=[]; for(var i = 0; i < ids_array_count; i++) { ids_array[i]=[]; k=0; for(var j = i*50; j < (i+1)*50; j++ ) { if(!id_object_id[j]) break; ids_array[i][k]=[]; var object_id = id_object_id[i]['from']+'_'+id_object_id[j]['object_id'] ids_array[i][k]=object_id; img_ids[object_id]=id_object_id[j]['id']; k++; } } for(var i = 0; i < ids_array.length; i++) { ids=ids_array[i].join(','); url_for_cur_id_likes_thumb = graph_url.replace('{FB_ID}',''), graph_url_for_likes_thumb = url_for_cur_id_likes_thumb.replace('{EDGE}', ''); graph_url_for_likes_thumb = graph_url_for_likes_thumb.replace('{FIELDS}', 'ids='+ids+'&fields=comments.summary(true).limit(0),likes.summary(true).limit(0)&'); graph_url_for_likes_thumb = graph_url_for_likes_thumb.replace('{OTHER}', ''); jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_likes_thumb, function(result) { for(var j in result) { ffwd_fill_likes_comments_thumb(result[j],ffwd,img_ids[j]); } } ); } } function createCallback_thumbnail(id, ffwd, type) { return function (result) { do_something_with_data_thumbnail(result, id, ffwd, type); }; } function ffwd_fill_likes_comments_thumb(result, ffwd,id) { var likes_count = (typeof result['likes']['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['likes']['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_likes_' + ffwd + '_' + id + ' span').html(likes_count); var comments_count = (typeof result['comments']['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['comments']['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_comments_' + ffwd + '_' + id + ' span').html(comments_count); } function do_something_with_data_thumbnail(result, id, ffwd, type) { switch (type) { case 'likes' : var likes_count = (typeof result['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_likes_' + ffwd + '_' + id + ' span').html(likes_count); break; case 'comments' : var comments_count = (typeof result['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_comments_' + ffwd + '_' + id + ' span').html(comments_count); break; default : console.log('error'); break; } } /* For album view */ function ffwd_fill_thum_srs_likes_compact_album(id_object_id, ffwd, graph_url, ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action) { if (typeof id_object_id == 'object') { /*Album*/ var ids_array_count=Math.ceil(id_object_id.length/50); var ids_array=[]; var img_ids=[]; for(var i = 0; i < ids_array_count; i++) { ids_array[i]=[]; k=0; for(var j = i*50; j < (i+1)*50; j++ ) { if(!id_object_id[j]) break; ids_array[i][k]=[]; var object_id = id_object_id[j]['object_id'] ids_array[i][k]=object_id; img_ids[object_id]=id_object_id[j]['id']; k++; } } for(var i = 0; i < ids_array.length; i++) { ids=ids_array[i].join(','); url_for_cur_id_likes_thumb = graph_url.replace('{FB_ID}',''), graph_url_for_likes_thumb = url_for_cur_id_likes_thumb.replace('{EDGE}', 'photos'); graph_url_for_likes_thumb = graph_url_for_likes_thumb.replace('{FIELDS}', 'ids='+ids+'&fields=source,width,height,count,link&'); graph_url_for_likes_thumb = graph_url_for_likes_thumb.replace('{OTHER}', ''); jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_likes_thumb, function(result) { for(var j in result) { ffwd_fill_likes_comments_c_album(result[j],ffwd,img_ids[j],ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action); } } ); } } else { /*Gallery*/ var album_id = id_object_id, graph_url_for_album_photos = graph_url.replace('{EDGE}', 'photos'), url_for_album_photos = graph_url_for_album_photos.replace('{FB_ID}', album_id), url_for_album_photos = url_for_album_photos.replace('{FIELDS}', 'fields=images,link,from{picture,name,link}&'); jQuery.getJSON(url_for_album_photos, createCallback_album('', ffwd, 'photos', graph_url, ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action)); } } function ffwd_fill_likes_comments_c_album(result,ffwd,id,ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action) { var height = (typeof result['data'][0] != 'undefined') ? result['data'][0]['height'] : 0, width = (typeof result['data'][0] != 'undefined') ? result['data'][0]['width'] : 0, image_thumb_width, image_thumb_height, resolution_w, resolution_h, count = (typeof result['data'] != 'undefined') ? result['data'].length : 0, scale; if (count) { if (width && height) { resolution_w = width; resolution_h = height; if (resolution_w != 0 && resolution_h != 0) { scale = Math.max(ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"] / resolution_w, ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"] / resolution_h); image_thumb_width = resolution_w * scale; image_thumb_height = resolution_h * scale; } else { image_thumb_width = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"]; image_thumb_height = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"]; } } else { image_thumb_width = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"]; image_thumb_height = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"]; } scale = Math.max(ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"] / image_thumb_width, image_thumb_height / image_thumb_height); image_thumb_width *= scale; image_thumb_height *= scale; thumb_left = (ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"] - image_thumb_width) / 2; thumb_top = (ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"] - image_thumb_height) / 2; jQuery('#ffwd_album_cover_' + id + '_' + ffwd).attr('src', result['data'][0]['source']).css({ 'width': image_thumb_width + 'px', 'height': image_thumb_height + 'px', 'margin-left': thumb_left + 'px', 'margin-top': thumb_top + 'px', }); } else { /*jQuery( "[ffwd_object_id='"+object_id+"']" ).remove();*/ } } function createCallback_album(id, ffwd, type, graph_url, ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action) { return function (result) { do_something_with_data_album(result, id, ffwd, type, graph_url, ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action); }; } function ffwd_fill_likes_comments_c_gallery(result,ffwd,id) { var likes_count = (typeof result['likes']['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['likes']['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_likes_' + id + '_' + ffwd + ' span').html(likes_count); var comments_count = (typeof result['comments']['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['comments']['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_comments_' + id + '_' + ffwd + ' span').html(comments_count); } function do_something_with_data_album(result, id, ffwd, type, graph_url, ffwd_album_info, image_onclick_action) { switch (type) { case 'likes' : case 'comments' : var likes_count = (typeof result['likes']['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['likes']['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_likes_' + id + '_' + ffwd + ' span').html(likes_count); var comments_count = (typeof result['comments']['summary'] != 'undefined') ? parseInt(result['comments']['summary']['total_count']) : '0'; jQuery('#ffwd_comments_' + id + '_' + ffwd + ' span').html(comments_count); break; case 'covers' : var height = (typeof result['data'][0] != 'undefined') ? result['data'][0]['height'] : 0, width = (typeof result['data'][0] != 'undefined') ? result['data'][0]['width'] : 0, image_thumb_width, image_thumb_height, resolution_w, resolution_h, count = (typeof result['data'] != 'undefined') ? result['data'].length : 0, scale; if (count) { if (width && height) { resolution_w = width; resolution_h = height; if (resolution_w != 0 && resolution_h != 0) { scale = Math.max(ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"] / resolution_w, ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"] / resolution_h); image_thumb_width = resolution_w * scale; image_thumb_height = resolution_h * scale; } else { image_thumb_width = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"]; image_thumb_height = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"]; } } else { image_thumb_width = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"]; image_thumb_height = ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"]; } scale = Math.max(ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"] / image_thumb_width, image_thumb_height / image_thumb_height); image_thumb_width *= scale; image_thumb_height *= scale; thumb_left = (ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_width"] - image_thumb_width) / 2; thumb_top = (ffwd_album_info["album_thumb_height"] - image_thumb_height) / 2; jQuery('#ffwd_album_cover_' + id + '_' + ffwd).attr('src', result['data'][0]['source']).css({ 'width': image_thumb_width + 'px', 'height': image_thumb_height + 'px', 'margin-left': thumb_left + 'px', 'margin-top': thumb_top + 'px', }); } else { /*jQuery( "[ffwd_object_id='"+object_id+"']" ).remove();*/ } break; case 'photos': var graph_url_for_likes = graph_url.replace('{EDGE}', ''), graph_url_for_likes = graph_url_for_likes.replace('{FIELDS}', ''), graph_url_for_comments = graph_url.replace('{EDGE}', ''), graph_url_for_comments = graph_url_for_comments.replace('{FIELDS}', '&fields=likes.summary(true).limit(0),comments.summary(true).limit(0)&'); var data = result['data']; content = ''; ffwd_album_info["data"] = []; curent_view = ffwd; var ids_array_count=Math.ceil(data.length/50); var ids_array=[]; var img_ids=[]; for(var j = 0; j < ids_array_count; j++) { ids_array[j]=[]; k=0; for(var i = j*50; i < (j+1)*50; i++ ) { if(!data[i]) break; ids_array[j][k]=[]; var object_id = data[i]['from']['id']+'_'+data[i]['id'] ids_array[j][k]=object_id; img_ids[object_id]=i; k++; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var row = {}, images = data[i]['images'], image_obj_id = data[i]['id']; index_in_images = (images.length > 3) ? 2 : 0, image = data[i]['images'][index_in_images]; row['id'] = i; row['object_id'] = image_obj_id; row['from'] = data[i]['from']['id']; ffwd_album_info["data"].push(row); var height = image['height'], width = image['width'], image_thumb_width, image_thumb_height, resolution_w, resolution_h, scale; if (typeof width != 'undefined' && typeof height != 'undefined') { resolution_w = width; resolution_h = height; if (resolution_w != 0 && resolution_h != 0) { scale = Math.max(ffwd_album_info["thumb_width"] / resolution_w, ffwd_album_info["thumb_height"] / resolution_h); image_thumb_width = resolution_w * scale; image_thumb_height = resolution_h * scale; } else { image_thumb_width = ffwd_album_info["thumb_width"]; image_thumb_height = ffwd_album_info["thumb_height"]; } } else { image_thumb_width = ffwd_album_info["thumb_width"]; image_thumb_height = ffwd_album_info["thumb_height"]; } scale = Math.max(ffwd_album_info["thumb_width"] / image_thumb_width, image_thumb_height / image_thumb_height); image_thumb_width *= scale; image_thumb_height *= scale; thumb_left = (ffwd_album_info["thumb_width"] - image_thumb_width) / 2; thumb_top = (ffwd_album_info["thumb_height"] - image_thumb_height) / 2; main_url = image.source; if (image_onclick_action == 'facebook') { main_url = data[i]['link']; } if (image_onclick_action == 'none') { main_url = '#'; } content += '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
' + '
'; var url_for_likes = graph_url_for_likes.replace('{FB_ID}', data[i]['from']['id']+'_'+data[i]['id']), url_for_comments = graph_url_for_comments.replace('{FB_ID}', data[i]['from']['id']+'_'+data[i]['id']); //jQuery.getJSON(url_for_likes, createCallback_album(i, ffwd, 'likes')); // jQuery.getJSON(url_for_comments, createCallback_album(i, ffwd, 'comments')); } } //console.log(img_ids); for(var i = 0; i < ids_array.length; i++) { ids=ids_array[i].join(','); var graph_url_for_comments = graph_url.replace('{EDGE}', ''); graph_url_for_comments=graph_url_for_comments.replace('{FB_ID}','') graph_url_for_comments = graph_url_for_comments.replace('{FIELDS}', '&ids='+ids+'&fields=likes.summary(true).limit(0),comments.summary(true).limit(0)&'); jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_comments, function(result) { for(var j in result) { ffwd_fill_likes_comments_c_gallery(result[j],ffwd,img_ids[j]); // console.log(result[j]); } } ); } jQuery('#ffwd_gallery_' + curent_view).html(content); break; default : console.log('error'); break; } } /* For Blog-style view */ function ffwd_get_passed_time(time) { var today = new Date(), arr = time.split(/[^0-9]/); today = Date.parse(today) / 1000 - client_server_date_difference; time = Date.UTC(arr[0], arr[1] - 1, arr[2], arr[3], arr[4], arr[5]); time /= 1000; time = today - time; var tokens = { 'year' : '31536000', 'month': '2592000', 'week': '604800', 'day': '86400', 'hour': '3600', 'minute': '60', 'second': '1' }; var tokens_s = { 'year' : 'years', 'month': 'months', 'week': 'weeks', 'day': 'days', 'hour': 'hours', 'minute': 'minutes', 'second': 'seconds' }; for (unit in tokens) { if (time < parseInt(tokens[unit])) continue; var numberOfUnits = Math.floor(time / parseInt(tokens[unit])); if(numberOfUnits > 1) return numberOfUnits + ' ' + ffwd_frontend_text[tokens_s[unit]] + ' ago'; return numberOfUnits + ' ' + ffwd_frontend_text[unit] + ' ago' ; } } function ffwd_fill_likes_blog_style(id_object_id, ffwd, owner_info, ffwd_params, graph_url) { var ids_array_count=Math.ceil(id_object_id.length/50); var ids_array=[]; var img_ids=[]; for(var i = 0; i < ids_array_count; i++) { ids_array[i]=[]; k=0; for(var j = i*50; j < (i+1)*50; j++ ) { if(!id_object_id[j]) break; ids_array[i][k]=[]; var object_id = id_object_id[j]['object_id'].replace(id_object_id[j]['from'], owner_info['id']) ids_array[i][k]=object_id; img_ids[object_id]=id_object_id[j]['id']; k++; } } var reactions_array={}; for(var i = 0; i < ids_array.length; i++) { ids=ids_array[i].join(','); url_for_cur_id_likes = graph_url.replace('{FB_ID}',''), graph_url_for_likes = url_for_cur_id_likes.replace('{EDGE}', ''); graph_url_for_likes = graph_url_for_likes.replace('{FIELDS}', 'ids='+ids+'&fields=reactions.type(LIKE).limit(0).summary(true).as(like),reactions.type(LOVE).limit(0).summary(true).as(love),reactions.type(WOW).limit(0).summary(true).as(wow),reactions.type(HAHA).limit(0).summary(true).as(haha),reactions.type(SAD).limit(0).summary(true).as(sad),reactions.type(ANGRY).limit(0).summary(true).as(angry),reactions.limit(5).summary(true).as(total_reactions)&'); graph_url_for_likes = graph_url_for_likes.replace('{OTHER}', 'summary=true'); jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_likes, function(result) { for(var j in result) { ffwd_fill_likes(result[j],ffwd,img_ids[j]); } } ); } for (var i = 0; i < id_object_id.length; i++) { /*For likes*/ var object_id = id_object_id[i]['object_id'].replace(id_object_id[i]['from'], owner_info['id']); url_for_cur_id = graph_url.replace('{FB_ID}', object_id); graph_url_for_likes = url_for_cur_id.replace('{EDGE}', ''); graph_url_for_likes = graph_url_for_likes.replace('{FIELDS}', 'fields=reactions.type(LIKE).limit(0).summary(true).as(like),reactions.type(LOVE).limit(0).summary(true).as(love),reactions.type(WOW).limit(0).summary(true).as(wow),reactions.type(HAHA).limit(0).summary(true).as(haha),reactions.type(SAD).limit(0).summary(true).as(sad),reactions.type(ANGRY).limit(0).summary(true).as(angry),reactions.limit(5).summary(true).as(total_reactions)&'); graph_url_for_likes = graph_url_for_likes.replace('{OTHER}', 'summary=true'); /*For comments*/ var graph_url_for_comments = url_for_cur_id.replace('{EDGE}', 'comments'); graph_url_for_comments = graph_url_for_comments.replace('{FIELDS}', 'fields=created_time,from,like_count,message,comment_count&'); graph_url_for_comments = graph_url_for_comments.replace('{OTHER}', 'summary=true&filter=' + ffwd_params["comments_filter"] + '&order=' + ffwd_params["comments_order"] + '&limit=25'); /*For future (attachment message_tags fields)*/ /*console.log(graph_url_for_comments);*/ /*For shares*/ var graph_url_for_shares = url_for_cur_id.replace('{EDGE}', ''); graph_url_for_shares = graph_url_for_shares.replace('{FIELDS}', 'fields=shares&'); graph_url_for_shares = graph_url_for_shares.replace('{OTHER}', ''); /*For attachments*/ var graph_url_for_attachments = url_for_cur_id.replace('{EDGE}', 'attachments'), graph_url_for_attachments = graph_url_for_attachments.replace('{FIELDS}', ''); graph_url_for_attachments = graph_url_for_attachments.replace('{OTHER}', ''); /*For who post*/ var url_for_who_post = graph_url.replace('{FB_ID}', id_object_id[i]['from']), graph_url_for_who_post = url_for_who_post.replace('{EDGE}', ''), graph_url_for_who_post = graph_url_for_who_post.replace('{FIELDS}', 'fields=picture,name,link&'); graph_url_for_who_post = graph_url_for_who_post.replace('{OTHER}', ''); if (id_object_id[i]['type'] != 'events') { //jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_likes, createCallback_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'likes')); //jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_shares, createCallback_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'shares')); //do_something_with_data_blog_style(reactions_array[object_id], id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'likes', "", ffwd_params, graph_url); if(!id_object_id[i]['shares']) { id_object_id[i]['shares']='{}'; } do_something_with_data_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['shares'], id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'shares', "", ffwd_params, graph_url); // jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_attachments, createCallback_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'attachments', "", ffwd_params)); if(id_object_id[i]['attachments']) do_something_with_data_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['attachments'], id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'attachments', "", ffwd_params, graph_url); } if(id_object_id[i]['comments']); do_something_with_data_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['comments'], id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'comments', "", ffwd_params, graph_url); // jQuery.getJSON(id_object_id[i]['comments'], createCallback_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['id'], ffwd, 'comments', "", ffwd_params, graph_url)); //jQuery.getJSON(graph_url_for_who_post, createCallback_blog_style(id_object_id[i], ffwd, 'who_post', owner_info, ffwd_params)); do_something_with_data_blog_style(id_object_id[i]['who_post'], id_object_id[i], ffwd, 'who_post', owner_info, ffwd_params, graph_url); } } function createCallback_blog_style(id, ffwd, type, owner_info, ffwd_params, graph_url) { return function (result) { do_something_with_data_blog_style(result, id, ffwd, type, owner_info, ffwd_params, graph_url); }; } function do_something_with_data_blog_style(result, id, ffwd, type, owner_info, ffwd_params, graph_url) { switch (type) { case 'comments' : var total_count = (result['data'].length < 25) ? result['data'].length : result['summary']['total_count']; jQuery('#ffwd_comments_count_' + ffwd + '_' + id).html(total_count); /*console.log(result); console.log(result['data'].length);*/ var more_comments = false, comments_exist = false; for (var i = 0, j = 1, z = 0; i < result['data'].length; i++, j++) { comments_exist = true; comment_id = result['data'][i]['id']; var display = 'display:block'; if (j > 4) { display = 'display:none'; more_comments = true; z++; } var url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic = graph_url.replace('{FB_ID}', result['data'][i]['from']['id']); url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic = url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic.replace('{EDGE}', ''); url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic = url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic.replace('{FIELDS}', 'fields=picture&'); url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic = url_for_cur_id_comm_user_pic.replace('{OTHER}', ''); var comment_author_pic = '
', comment_author_name = ' ' + result['data'][i]['from']['name'] + ' ', comment_message = ' ' + result['data'][i]['message'] + ' ', comment_date = ' ' + ffwd_get_passed_time(result['data'][i]['created_time']) + '', comment_likes_count = ' ' + result['data'][i]['like_count'] + ' ', comments_date_likes = '
' + comment_date + comment_likes_count + '
', comment_replies_cont = (ffwd_params["comments_filter"] == "toplevel" && ffwd_params["comments_replies"] == "1" && result['data'][i]['comment_count'] > 0) ? '
' + result['data'][i]['comment_count'] +' '+ffwd_frontend_text.comment_reply+'
' : '', comment_div_cont = '
' + comment_author_name + comment_message + comments_date_likes + comment_replies_cont + '
', comment = '
' + comment_author_pic + comment_div_cont + '
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this.__htmlOverflow = $('html')[0].style.overflow; // $('body, html').css('overflow', 'hidden'); }, _allowDocumentScroll: function() { // $('body')[0].style.overflow = this.__documentOverflow; // $('html')[0].style.overflow = this.__htmlOverflow; }, _fullScreenChange: function() { if (!this.isFullScreen()) { this._allowDocumentScroll(); this._revertStyles(); this._triggerEvents(); this._fullScreenElement = null; } else { this._preventDocumentScroll(); this._triggerEvents(); } }, _fullScreenError: function(e) { this._revertStyles(); this._fullScreenElement = null; if (e) { $(document).trigger('fscreenerror', [e]); } }, _triggerEvents: function() { $(this._fullScreenElement).trigger(this.isFullScreen() ? 'fscreenopen' : 'fscreenclose'); $(document).trigger('fscreenchange', [this.isFullScreen(), this._fullScreenElement]); }, _saveAndApplyStyles: function() { var $elem = $(this._fullScreenElement); this.__savedStyles = {}; for (var property in this.__options.styles) { // save this.__savedStyles[property] = this._fullScreenElement.style[property]; // apply this._fullScreenElement.style[property] = this.__options.styles[property]; } if (this.__options.toggleClass) { $elem.addClass(this.__options.toggleClass); } }, _revertStyles: function() { var $elem = $(this._fullScreenElement); for (var property in this.__options.styles) { this._fullScreenElement.style[property] = this.__savedStyles[property]; } if (this.__options.toggleClass) { $elem.removeClass(this.__options.toggleClass); } }, open: function(elem, options) { // do nothing if request is for already fullscreened element if (elem === this._fullScreenElement) { return; } // exit active fullscreen before opening another one if (this.isFullScreen()) { this.exit(); } // save fullscreened element this._fullScreenElement = elem; // apply options, if any this.__options = $.extend(true, {}, this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS, options); // save current element styles and apply new this._saveAndApplyStyles(); }, exit: null, isFullScreen: null, isNativelySupported: function() { return IS_NATIVELY_SUPPORTED; } }; var FullScreenNative = function() { FullScreenNative._super.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this.exit = $.proxy(native('exitFullscreen'), document); this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS = $.extend(true, {}, this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS, { 'styles': { 'width': '100%', 'height': '100%' } }); $(document) .bind(this._prefixedString('fullscreenchange') + ' MSFullscreenChange', $.proxy(this._fullScreenChange, this)) .bind(this._prefixedString('fullscreenerror') + ' MSFullscreenError', $.proxy(this._fullScreenError, this)); }; extend(FullScreenNative, FullScreenAbstract, { VENDOR_PREFIXES: ['', 'o', 'moz', 'webkit'], _prefixedString: function(str) { return $.map(this.VENDOR_PREFIXES, function(s) { return s + str; }).join(' '); }, open: function(elem, options) { FullScreenNative._super.open.apply(this, arguments); var requestFS = native(elem, 'requestFullscreen'); requestFS.call(elem); }, exit: $.noop, isFullScreen: function() { return native('fullscreenElement') !== null; }, element: function() { return native('fullscreenElement'); } }); var FullScreenFallback = function() { FullScreenFallback._super.constructor.apply(this, arguments); this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS = $.extend({}, this._DEFAULT_OPTIONS, { 'styles': { 'position': 'fixed', 'zIndex': '2147483647', 'left': 0, 'top': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'right': 0 } }); this.__delegateKeydownHandler(); }; extend(FullScreenFallback, FullScreenAbstract, { __isFullScreen: false, __delegateKeydownHandler: function() { var $doc = $(document); $doc.delegate('*', 'keydown.fullscreen', $.proxy(this.__keydownHandler, this)); var data = JQ_LT_17 ? $doc.data('events') : $._data(document).events; var events = data['keydown']; if (!JQ_LT_17) { events.splice(0, 0, events.splice(events.delegateCount - 1, 1)[0]); } else { data.live.unshift(data.live.pop()); } }, __keydownHandler: function(e) { if (this.isFullScreen() && e.which === 27) { this.exit(); return false; } return true; }, _revertStyles: function() { FullScreenFallback._super._revertStyles.apply(this, arguments); // force redraw (fixes bug in IE7 with content dissapearing) this._fullScreenElement.offsetHeight; }, open: function(elem) { FullScreenFallback._super.open.apply(this, arguments); this.__isFullScreen = true; this._fullScreenChange(); }, exit: function() { this.__isFullScreen = false; this._fullScreenChange(); }, isFullScreen: function() { return this.__isFullScreen; }, element: function() { return this.__isFullScreen ? this._fullScreenElement : null; } });$.fullscreen = IS_NATIVELY_SUPPORTED ? new FullScreenNative() : new FullScreenFallback(); $.fn.fullscreen = function(options) { var elem = this[0]; options = $.extend({ toggleClass: null, // overflow: 'hidden' }, options); options.styles = { // overflow: options.overflow }; // delete options.overflow; if (elem) { $.fullscreen.open(elem, options); } return this; }; })(jQuery);